Wanting to Give to your Site?
Startup administrative fees are less than 10%.
Monetary donations must be made to the BGCNL and designated to preferred site. Stocks and bonds must be approved by CEO; all other donations are evaluated on an individual basis.
Full or quarterly payments are allowed
Donations will be coded for and reflected in the P&Ls for each site
Current United Way funding is not earmarked for this initiative; once established, we may then be able to apply for funding.
This initiative will not start until we are confident we have needed funding; if funding does not meet the ideal goal, it may be returned to donor upon his or her request
Advisory Board members will be provided a local financial statement at least once a quarter, if not more often.
All contributions are bound by federal laws in regards to tax credit.
Other than the tax credit benefits, donors will be recognized individually, as well as annually whether on our website and/or in local publications
Each service will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, at the time of contribution.