Atmos Energy contributes support to Jonesboro Boys & Girls Club

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Jonesboro, La. – The Boys & Girls Clubs of North Louisiana recently received support from Atmos Energy through its “Fueling Safe and Thriving Communities” program.

The program focuses on nonprofits that provide services to “Kids, Heroes, and Neighbors.” According to its website, Atmos Energy believes in making a difference in the lives of children by collaborating with local school districts and education foundations to offer nutritious meals and provide resources to help children read at grade level by third grade.

This cause goes hand in hand with the efforts of the Boys & Girls Clubs of North Louisiana as we focus our attention of academic learning loss and healthy lifestyle and habits during our summer day camp curriculum.

Our McDonald Unit will begin Summer Day Camp this Monday, June 14, and registration is already at full capacity.  


Boys & Girls Club receives grant from Taco Bell Foundation


Northeast Region receives grant funding through Scott Foundation